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I offer life coaching and yoga-informed coaching:

  • Life coaching can support you to envisage the life you want to lead and the person you want to be.  Together we explore the intermediate goals that you can achieve, and strategies to remove obstacles that stand in your way.  

  • Yoga-informed coaching supports you to develop a yoga self-practice as a foundation to living a balanced life and enjoying presence.  We then combine coaching, while referencing the fundamental philosophy of yoga and build practices to support attaining your goals, whilst enjoying the journey.


I have lived an interesting life.  I grew up in the UK and went into farming and working with horses, but knew early on that I wanted to travel and help the world to be a better place.  I started off teaching agriculture in Ghana for a couple of years which led to me living in Afghanistan, Georgia, Mongolia, Nepal, Indonesia and now Fiji.  I think this gives me empathy for those who travel for work and experience some of the dislocation that this can bring.


My late 40s was a mid-life awakening for me, but the life coaching I received helped to make it this - rather than a crisis.  However, this did not come without some serious work on myself.


I was fortunate enough to find Claire Golding - a wonderful life coach - to help me navigate this experience.  I found new goals, and prepared for a move to another country and living alone; and generally sorted myself out.  I was so inspired by this process and the coach who enabled it, that I decided that I would also like to be a coach.


I am currently studying a Diploma in Life Coaching form the Australian Institute of Professional Coaching (AIP and am working towards accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). 

I live and work in Suva, Fiji and offer in-person and online coaching sessions.  For more details please download the PDF and feel free to contact me.

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